Sunday, April 12, 2015

Wilderness Blues: Snakebit and Bramblestuck

All is in good hands. I trust that this message will reach whomever it needs to reach.

Prayers have gone out night and day. My own time, energies and abilities don't seem at all adequate to the situation.

My wife, to whose wellbeing I have devoted my life, needs a miracle.

I know the power of the mind. I have experienced at least one miraculous self-healing. I am fully convinced that all manifestations of sickness and health are ultimately creations of the mind on whatever level.

Sometimes health problems are given for the purpose of offering great lessons and calling forth demonstrations of love in action: faith, a positive attitude, and the synergistic support of a network of friends. Such, I believe, is the case with brother Heikki, a soul of superlative beauty and brilliance, whose whole life is one long history of surviving crazy health problems.

In my wife's case, a perfect storm of factors in all areas of life has put her into a state where it seems there is no earthly hope of things getting better. She has truly been through hell in this life, with an unhappy childhood, advanced multiple sclerosis and the loss of her eldest son being just the tip of the iceberg. I won't get into her tale of woe here. Suffice to say she is in a lot of pain on many levels and our overall situation is very trying and constricted. There are many locks here that need opening.

I have been driven to my knees before the Light of Life. I know the power of the All-Pervading Self is unlimited and that that power flows in perfect harmony through the mediation of Christ.

I have been touched by Heaven enough times to know that it is the number one desire of my soul, not only to attain it myself, but to facilitate its manifest arrival in the collective. I cannot achieve this as my separate ego self, not in the lifetime of this or any universe. That is not the way.

William must surrender all personal ambitions, attachments, limitations, and identities, placing all that he is and appears to be in the hands of the One Love. The seemingly impossible situation of the moment has been constructed to clarify this imperative in his awareness beyond a shadow of ambiguity. To help purify his being of all that would hinder him from that surrender.

I do not ask for help out of a sense of special suffering, self-pitying thoughts notwithstanding. We are much better off in so many ways than a whole lot of people in this world are right now. The world is full of terrible suffering, such that nothing in my experience would even come close. I do trust that whatever we need, internally and externally, will be given.

The One Love does not differentiate. No being, no suffering, no miracle is too small or too great. Like the Sun, it shines on great and small alike; like the rain, it waters both the just and the unjust. All that is is equally allowed and redeemed in its sight.

While I still protest the insanity of our situation, I am growing to appreciate its necessity as well. It will pass when it has fulfilled its purpose. It is, as it must be, a blessing, hid as such only by its closeness in time.

Our story has a happy outcome. So does the world's. We must simply do our best and see how it all plays out.

If you feel inspired to do so, please leave a comment with your thoughts here, or send an email to juhowilliam (at) gmail (dot) com. All prayers on our behalf are accepted via Universal Heavenly Courier Service. If you have Otherside connections or abilities that might be of assistance, or know someone who does -- especially pertaining to the clearing of emotional pain and karma -- please let me know. Intuitive readings and advice are more than welcome. I will provide any needed details by request.

Thank you all, you most beautiful and precious, innocent eternal children of God.

May all beings find happiness.
May all beings find peace.

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